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When to use “als”, “wenn” and “wann” in German

Ever find yourself puzzled over when to use 'als', 'wenn', and 'wann'? Dive into this concise guide and turn your confusion into confidence. Unlock the secrets to using these tricky words flawlessly in your German sentences!

When to use “als,” “wenn” and “wann”

Many students get confused with “als,” “wenn” and “ three words because, most likely, they are used differently and sometimes even represent a synonym in English and many other languages. In the following, we will discuss the meaning and usage to bring some light into the darkness.

Recommended study materials on the topic:

  1. Worksheet: Als, wenn & wann 

  2. Overview: Comparison with adjectives

  3. Worksheet: Comparison with adjectives  (incl. answers)

  4. B-Grammar: Practice German grammar (incl. answers)

  5. German self-study book for A1-B1  (incl. answers)


1. What is the meaning of “als”?

There are several ways to use the German word "als":

“als” in the sense of “as”

The German “als” as is doing the same job the English “as” does.  With its help, it is possible to express sentences like:

  • I work as … – Ich arbeite als …

  • I start a job as … – Ich beginne eine Stelle als …

“als” in the sense of “than”

Another possibility to meet the word “als” is in a German comparison. To be precise, we use it in “Komparativ,” which – as you might already be able to guess – is when we compare two things with each other:

  • Ich bin größer als sie. – I am taller than her. 

  • Dieses Auto ist billiger als das blaue Auto. – This car is cheaper than the blue car.

“als” as a conjunction

We also use the German word “als” as a conjunction. This means its job is to connect two sentences. One of these sentences is the main clause; the sentence we introduce with “als” is always a subordinate clause. In German grammar, this typically means something happens with the position of the verb in the sentence. In the case of “als”, we need to move the verb to the end of the sentence.

The meaning of “als” in German as a conjunction is very similar to the English “when”. The main difference is that we can only use it in the past tense (Präteritum, Perfekt, and Plusquamperfekt) but NOT in the present or any of the two German future tenses. In a sense, as a “conjunction,” it describes a particular moment in the past. Most likely, it is the easiest way to remember it by remembering the sentence beginning, “Als ich ein Kind war …” (When I was a child…). So whenever you talk in the past tense about a specific moment, you can use “als”.

2. What is the meaning of “wenn”?

With the help of the German word “wenn” we can express a condition in a sentence. Also, “wenn” is a conjunction that connects sentences. In the case of “wenn” the verb also goes to the end, the same way we discussed it for “als” in the previous paragraph. The reason why people confuse “wenn” and “als” is that both of them can have the meaning of “when” in English. Besides, “wenn” is equivalent to the English “if”. Therefore, it might not surprise you that we usually use “wenn” when expressing a condition. Consequently, the main and subordinate clauses must have a relation in the sense of “If A then B.” In contrast to “als” we can use “wenn” in all German times.

Examples of “wenn”:

  • Immer wenn ich nach Hause komme, mache ich mir einen Tee. (Whenever I come home, I make myself a tea.)

  • Wenn ich nach Berlin fahren werde, will ich das Brandenburger Tor ansehen. (When I go to Berlin, I want to see the Brandenburg Gate.)

3. What is the meaning of “wann”?

If you need to decide between “wenn” or “wann” the problem is that the English translation for both is “when”. Also, in some other languages, “wann” is used as a synonym in a sentence that expresses conditions. As I already explained, only “wenn” can do so in German.

“Wann” as a question word

In German, we use the word “wann” as a question when we want to ask when something happens. For instance:

Wann gehen wir ins Theater? – When do we go to the theatre?

Wann hast du Geburtstag? – When is your birthday?

“Wann” as a conjunction

It is also possible to use “wann” as a conjunction. By doing so, the verb of the sentence introduced by “wann” must be at the end. When using “wann” to connect to sentences, you should always ask yourself if the sentence you introduce with “wann” can be easily transformed into a question.

For instance:

  • Ich weiß nicht, wann das Treffen ist. – Question: Wann ist das Treffen? (I do not know when the meeting is. – When is the meeting?)

  • Ich habe vergessen, wann dein Geburtstag ist. – Question: Wann ist dein Geburtstag? (I forgot when your birthday is. – Question: When is your birthday?)

Conclusion: “Als”, “Wenn” or “Wann”

Long story short, you should remember the following:

  • Does your sentence express a condition? – If so, use “wenn”.

  • Does your sentence happen in the past and focus on a specific moment? – If so, use “als”.

  • Does your sentence contain a question? – If so, use “wann”.


After reading this article, you should be confident in when to use which of them. Please comment or message me if you have any suggestions for topics you would like me to cover.


Bis bald!



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