What are the 12 months of the year in German?

It usually does not take long, until you want to know the German months. Find out everything you need in this article.

The 12 months of the year 

As you can see in the following, the names of the months in German are very similar to the English ones. 

  1. Januar  – January 

  2. Februar – February 

  3. März – March

  4. April – April

  5. Mai – May

  6. Juni – June

  7. Juli – July

  8. August – August

  9. September – September

  10. Oktober – October

  11. November – November

  12. Dezember – December

Recommended study materials on the topic:

  1. A-Grammar: Practice German grammar German (incl. answers)

  2. German self-study book for A1-B1  (incl. answers)

  3. Conversation exercise – speaking about days, months and years


Which other words come with the months?

There are several options to use a month in your sentence. In the following, you will find the most common ones.

1. – im –

If you want to express that something happens in a particular month, use “im” in German. “Im” is a shortening for “in” + “dem.” Since all months have a male gender (der) in German, it will always be “im” . 

For example: 

  • Im Januar fahre ich nach Berlin. 

  • Wir essen im Dezember viel Schokolade.

2. – von … bis … –

Suppose you would like to express a period with “from” and “until,” then you need to use “von … bis …” in German. There is no need to use an article; therefore, the usage is relatively straightforward.

For example:

  • Von Januar bis Februar ist es in Berlin sehr kalt.

  • Die Ferien sind von Juni bis Juli.

3. – ab –

If you want to say something starts in a particular month without any end date, you need to use “ab”.

For example:

  • Ab Januar treibe ich mehr Sport.

  • Ich habe ab Juni für 6 Wochen Ferien.

4. – seit –

By using “seit” you can express that you started doing something “since” a particular month.

For example:

  • Seit Februar esse ich gesünder.

  • Wir lernen seit Juni Deutsch.

5. – nächsten / letzten … –

Sometimes, you want to refer to the last or next month. If you wish to do so in German, you will need to use “nächsten” (next) and “letzten” (last).

For example:

  • Nächsten Juni fliege ich nach Paris.

  • Ich war letzten Dezember auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt.

6. – Anfang / Ende … –

Last but not least, it is essential to know how to say “at the end of + month” and “at the beginning of + month”. That is easier in German than in English because you simply have to use “Anfang” (beginning) or “Ende” (end) followed by the month. There is NO need to add any “at, the,” or “of” in German!

For example:

  • Anfang Januar ist es wirklich kalt. 

  • Ende Juni sind die Nächte lang. 

Mastering the months in German

After reading this article, things are more transparent than before. You now might also be interested in mastering the days of the week in German.

Bis bald!


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