German autumn vocabulary

As the leaves change hues and the air becomes crisp, now is an ideal time to embrace autumn's stunning allure by familiarizing yourself with a range of German words associated with this season. So let's dive in!

Autumn in Germany

Autumn is a season of transition, and it's a time when nature showcases its beauty with stunning displays of color. And if you're learning German, there's no better way to fully immerse yourself in the season than by learning autumn-related vocabulary. By expanding your German vocabulary with words like "Laub" for leaves, "Kastanie" for chestnuts, and "Kürbis" for pumpkins, you'll impress your German family, friends, and co-workers with newfound knowledge. So, unlock the beauty of autumn with German vocabulary.

Recommended study materials on the topic:

  1. Basic and advanced vocabulary based on topics A1-B2 (including English translation)

  2. PONS power vocabulary box

  3. Langenscheidt memo game "What's that called?"

  4. German self-study book for A1-B1  (incl. answers)


Der Herbst

Autumn is referred to as "der Herbst" in the German language, while the adjective "herbstlich" denotes characteristics of this season. It's important to understand these terms when communicating in German during this time of year.

For example: 

Mein Geburtstag ist im Herbst. = My birthday is in autumn.

Die herbstlichen Farben gefallen mir gut. = I like the autumn colors.

Der Altweibersommer - indian summer

The concept of der Altweibersommer, or in English, Indian summer as it's commonly known, is quite straightforward. It refers to the period in autumn when we experience its finest moments - abundant sunshine, clear blue skies, and high temperatures during daytime hours. While nights may still be chilly, this time brings back a taste of summer throughout the day.

Trees, animals, and weather in autumn

Autumn, the season of change from summer to winter, brings forth many natural wonders. From the vibrant colors of fall leaves (das Herbstlaub) to the gentle sweep of the leaf broom (der Laubbesen), nature unveils its mesmerizing transformations. The autumnal rain showers and the comforting shelter of an umbrella (der Regenschirm) create a soothing ambiance. And let us not forget the mighty autumn storm (der Herbststurm) that commands attention with its awe-inspiring power. Puddles (die Pfütze) form, reflecting the beauty of their surroundings, while towering evergreen (der Nadelbaum) trees stand tall, and deciduous trees (der Laubbaum) slowly lose their leaves. Amidst this picturesque scene, squirrels (das Eichhörnchen) and hedgehogs (der Igel) scurry about, adding a touch of liveliness to the autumn landscape.

  1. der Laubbesen = the leaf broom

  2. das Herbstlaub = fall leaves

  3. der Regenschirm = the umbrella

  4. der Herbststurm = autumn storm

  5. die Pfütze = the puddle

  6. der Nadelbaum = evergreen tree

  7. der Laubbaum = deciduous trees

  8. das Eichhörnchen = the squirrel

  9. der Igel = the hedgehogs

Food in autumn

As autumn is the primary season for harvesting, it offers abundant food options. One such example would be pumpkin (der Kürbis), grapes (die Weintrauben), and corn (der Mais), along with other crops like mushrooms (die Pilze), carrots (die Karotten), and various root vegetables (das Wurzelgemüse), as well as cabbage (der Kohl) and chestnuts (die Kastanien) available during this time.

  1. der Kürbis = the pumpkin

  2. die Weintraube = the grape

  3. der Mais = the corn

  4. die Ernte = the harvest

  5. der Pilz = the mushroom

  6. die Karotte = the carrot

  7. das Wurzelgemüse = root vegetables

  8. der Kohl = the cabbage

  9. die Kastanie = the chestnut

German autumn activities

It is common in Germany this season to see colorful kites (Drachen) soaring high up in the sky above parks and fields. The excitement on people's faces as they control their kites with precision can be infectious.

Mushroom hunting (Pilze sammeln), on the other hand, requires more patience and skill but promises an equally rewarding experience for those who enjoy nature walks. German forests offer diverse mushrooms that attract both seasoned hunters and beginners.

  1. der Drachen = kite

  2. den Drachen steigen lassen = to let the kite fly

  3. Pilze sammeln = picking mushrooms  

Holidays in autumn

In the autumn season in Germany, various holidays and events are celebrated with great enthusiasm. One such occasion is Oktoberfest - an internationally renowned beer festival held annually in Munich in September. Another important event on the 3rd of October every year is “Tag der Deutschen Einheit” or “Day of German Unity,” which marks the reunification between East and West Germany after decades apart. Furthermore, “Erntedankfest” also known as ‘Thanksgiving’ holds significant value for many Germans each October. Lastly, Halloween festivities bring spooky excitement to both young and old across the country towards the end of October!

  1. das Oktoberfest

  2. das Erntedankfest = thanksgiving

  3. der Tag der deutschen Einheit = Day of German Unity

  4. das Halloween


After reading this article, prepare yourself for an incredible autumn in Germany! I trust you've stumbled upon it and are excited to delve into all the wonders this picturesque season holds, of course, in German just like the locals. So, seize your coat, tie those boots tightly, and brace yourself to create cherished memories this autumn.

If you want to expand your vocabulary even further, check out the meaning of the German word “Feierabend”. 

Bis bald!


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